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开放源码 WebApp 管理仪表板和管理面板HTML模板 Ample Admin Template – Bootstrap Dashboard Template

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开放源码 WebApp 管理仪表板和管理面板HTML模板 Ample Admin Template – Bootstrap Dashboard Template插图

Maple Admin是一个流行的开放源码WebApp模板,用于管理仪表板和管理面板。它是基于Bootstrap 3.3.7框架的响应性HTML模板。它利用所有Bootstrap组件来设计并重新设计许多常用插件的样式,以创建一致的设计,该设计可以用作后端应用程序的用户界面。


  • 3+ Different Dashboards
  • 7 Different Demos
  • Ample Admin Minimal Demo Version (New)
  • Material Design Dashboard Version (New)
  • 6 Color Skins
  • Clean and Simple Landing Page Included (Free $12)
  • Data Table Export to CSV, Excel, PDF, Copy and Print
  • Main PSD Files Included (Free $12)
  • Megamenu
  • Lightbox
  • Summernote
  • Range Slider
  • Light and Dark Color Schemes
  • Light/Dark Sidebar Themes
  • 600+ pages
  • 500+ Ui Components
  • RTL Support
  • Lots of widgets
  • Bootstrap 3x
  • 3000+ Fonts Icons
  • Fully Responsive pages
  • Lessbase CSS
  • Easy to customize
  • Many Charts Options
  • Multi File upload
  • Lots of Table Examples
  • Validation Forms


  • Chat Application (New)
  • Mail box
  • Inbox detail
  • Compose mail
  • Contact / Employee Listing (New)
  • Contact / Employee Listing Variation (New)
  • Contact / Employee Details (New)

UI Elements

  • Panels and Wells
  • Panel with blockUI (New)
  • Buttons
  • Sweat alert
  • Typography
  • Grid
  • Tabs
  • Stylish Tabs (New)
  • User Cards (New)
  • Modals
  • Progress Bars
  • Notifications
  • Carousel
  • List & Media object (New)
  • Timeline
  • Horizontal Timeline (New)
  • Nesteble
  • Range Slider (New)
  • Bootstrap UI
  • Stylish Tooltip (New)


  • Basic Forms
  • Form Layout
  • Form Addons
  • Form Material
  • Form with Float input (New)
  • File Upload
  • Form Mask
  • Form Validation
  • File Dropzone
  • Form-pickers
  • Image cropping (New)
  • Form-wizards
  • Typehead (New)
  • X-editable
  • Summernote (New)
  • Bootstrap wysihtml5
  • Tinymce wysihtml5
  • Professional
  • Sample Pages
  • Starter Page (New)
  • Blank Page
  • Lightbox Popup (New)

Email template (New)

  • Basic (New)
  • Alert (New)
  • Reset Password (New)
  • Billing (New)

Other Pages

  • Treeview (New)
  • Search Result (New)
  • Utility Classes (New)
  • Custom Scroll (New)
  • Login Page
  • Login page v2 (New)
  • Animations (New)
  • Profile
  • Invoice
  • FAQ
  • Gallery
  • Pricing
  • Register
  • Register V2 (New)
  • 3 Step Registration (New)
  • Recover Password
  • Lock Screen
  • Error 400
  • Error 403
  • Error 404
  • Error 500
  • Error 503


  • Flot Charts
  • Morris Chart
  • Chart-js
  • Peity Charts
  • Sparkline charts
  • Knob charts (New)
  • Extra Charts


  • Basic Tables
  • Table layouts (New)
  • Data Table
  • Bootstrap Tables
  • Responsive Tables
  • Editable Tables
  • FooTables
  • JsGrid Tables


  • Font awesome
  • Themify Icons
  • Simple line Icons
  • Linea Icons
  • Weather Icons

More Features

  • Google Map
  • Vector Map
  • Calendar
  • Multi-Level Dropdown
  • Log out
  • Support
  • Documentation
  • Gallery
  • Faqs
关键词标签: Bootstrap WEBAPP

所属分类 Web UI


素材大小 67.49MB

需要积分 200 积分 (VIP免积分) | 开通VIP或充值
